In Android, a network refers to the communication between devices over the internet or a local network. It involves sending and receiving data between a client (such as an Android device) and a server (a remote computer or service). Network operations are essential for tasks like fetching data from a web service, downloading files, sending emails, or establishing real-time communication.
Components and concepts of network programming in Android
There are several components and concepts involved in network programming in Android:
URL: The URL class represents a Uniform Resource Locator, which is the address of a resource on the internet. It provides methods to retrieve information from a given URL, such as opening a connection and reading the data.
HttpURLConnection: The HttpURLConnection class is a subclass of the URLConnection class and provides an HTTP-specific implementation. It allows you to open a connection, set properties (like request method, timeouts, headers), and read/write data.
AsyncTask: The AsyncTask class allows you to perform background operations and publish results on the UI thread without having to manipulate threads and/or handlers. It is commonly used to perform network operations in a background thread and update the UI thread when necessary.
Thread: The Thread class represents a thread of execution. It is commonly used to perform network operations in a background thread and update the UI thread when necessary.
BroadcastReceiver: The BroadcastReceiver class is a fundamental component that enables communication between different parts of an application or between different applications on an Android device. It allows the application to listen for and respond to broadcast messages sent by the system or other applications. This class is primarily used to handle events or notifications in an asynchronous manner.
Service: The Service class is a fundamental component that runs in the background to perform long-running operations without a user interface. It is commonly used to perform network operations in a background thread and update the UI thread when necessary.
IntentService: The IntentService class is a subclass of the Service class that provides a simple mechanism to perform background operations in a service. It is commonly used to perform network operations in a background thread and update the UI thread when necessary.
Callback: A callback is a piece of code that is passed as an argument to another piece of code. It is commonly used to handle asynchronous operations, such as network requests.
Listener: A listener is an object that is notified when an event occurs. It is commonly used to handle asynchronous operations, such as network requests.
AsyncTask or Thread: Network operations should not be performed on the main UI thread, as they may cause the application to become unresponsive. You can use either AsyncTask or Thread to perform network operations in a background thread and update the UI thread when necessary.
Example using AsyncTask:
Callbacks and listeners: Asynchronous network operations often use callbacks or listeners to handle the result or notify the completion of a task. For example, when making a network request using a library like Volley or Retrofit, you define callback interfaces to handle success or failure scenarios.
The differences between Callbacks and Listeners in Android Java networking:
Invokes a method when a specific event occurs.
Listens for events and notifies registered listeners.
Defined as an interface with method(s) to be implemented.
Defined as an interface with event-specific method(s).
Number of Events
Typically used for a single response or result.
Suitable for multiple events over time.
Passed as an instance to the callee.
Registered with the callee to receive notifications.
Caller implements the callback methods.
Caller implements listener methods for event handling.
Event Handling
Synchronous or asynchronous depending on implementation.
Usually asynchronous, triggered by events.
Commonly used for request-response interactions.
Often used for handling continuous data or progress updates.
Example using a callback interface:
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